Oxfam focuses its activities on providing a comprehensive response to poverty, working cohesively in the four areas that constitute its identity: development cooperation, humanitarian action, faire trade, social mobilization, campaigns and education for global citizenship.
Oxfam is conducting a Request for Proposal (RFP) process and invites you to submit a proposal to provide Oxfam, within their requirements, for:
Objective of the assignment: « Strengthening Oxfam country offices and Southern affiliates leadership on multilateral climate fundraising »
Detailed objectives :
OBJECTIVE 1: To undertake, using clear, objective and transparent criteria[1], the final selection of Oxfam teams (minimum 5) to be targeted by the consultancy due to their highest fundraising potential and commitment, among the following teams pre-selected in December by an Oxfam committee:
- Best ranked: Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Malawi, Nepal, Nigeria, Uganda, Vietnam and Oxfam in the Pacific[2]
- Second best ranked: Bangladesh, Iraq, Oxfam India and Oxfam South Africa[3]**OBJECTIVE 2:** To identify, document and make a detailed presentation of related GCF, AF and GEF funding opportunities**, which can provide an opening for Oxfam in the selected contexts, either as an executing entity, as a service provider, or any other viable model.
OBJECTIVE 3: To accompany selected teams i) identify their value propositions/bids in response to those opportunities, ii) develop and iii) implement an engagement plan** to pursue them country by country.
[1] Selection criteria for objective 1 will be proposed by the consultant and agreed by the working group. Pre-selection ranking done by Oxfam internal committee can also be reviewed in the light of the consultant’s advice and expertise.
[2] Oxfam in the Pacific (OiP) operates under a Regional Thematic Cluster Model (RTCM). All current programming in Pacific Countries (Fiji, Papua New Guinea, Poly / Micronesia, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu) are OIP programs and, therefore, no country led.
[3] Oxfam India and Oxfam South Africa are Oxfam affiliates, not offices
The consultant will work independently but in close and regular communication with a dedicated Oxfam working group, set up to guide and support this project. Steering support will be sought from the Oxfam Climate Global Lead or the Oxfam Climate Initiative Governance Group (OCI GG), particularly for objective no. 1.
The consultant will detail the proposed methodology to be followed in the application proposal, but he/she is expected:
- To make on-line regular consultation processes with key staff from Oxfam countries and affiliates, particularly for objectives 1 & 2.
- To accompany selected teams closely all through the assignment, participating with them on-line in key engagement meetings with GCF, AF and GEF stakeholders in countries, planned under objective 3.
Short-listed consultants will be required to make a presentation of their proposals in front of the working group, prior final selection.
The main deliverables, associated to the objectives above, will be:
- Inception Report**, outlining consultant's understanding of assignment, timeframe and methodologies to be used
- Document capturing criteria and rationale for final selection of Oxfam target teams (among pre-selected ones).
- Practical guide, tailored to each of the selected teams, on how and with whom to engage with GCF, AF and GEF stakeholders in their respective contexts.
- Value propositions and engagement plan implementation reports for all selected target teams.
Templates for agreed deliverables will be submitted for approval by the Oxfam taskforce during the first week of assignment together with the inception report.
Location : Remote
Type of Consultancy : Individual and/or Company
You´ll find in the Request for Proposal, the detailed Terms of References and all the terms and conditions in order to submit your proposal. The Request for Proposal is available for download here : https://oxfam.box.com/s/jrdsu9vtycleidv3ucg0uftxs54kusu9
How to apply:
Quotes to be sent by mail to procurement@OxfamIntermon.org before January 17, 2022 at 17h00 GMT
The subject of the mail must be:
RFP 21/038/BCN-ES – Proposal Submission + [Name of the bidder]
We look forward to receiving a proposal from you and thank you for your interest in our account.